
Want to visit Sowepo? Discover our new formula!

A company visit to Sowepo is a unique look behind our scenes

In order to further disseminate the mission and vision of our social enterprise, we organize company visits. This gives you the opportunity to take a look behind the scenes and discover what it’s like to work in a custom-made company.

We like to involve our own regional products brand Houblonesse. Because with Houblonesse we give people with disabilities full opportunities to integrate into a working process. That is why we offer them the chance to be proud of what they make: tasty, sustainable and high-quality products. All this within a recognized custom company.

Over the past few years, our food facilities have undergone a major transformation with the construction of a new building site specifically designed for food activities and for our Houblones kitchen, among other things. We are proud of what we have accomplished and are happy to share it with you.

We are therefore pleased to suggest the following formula for visiting Sowepo:

Company visit “Gourmand”

Formula appreciated by young and old!

– We introduce you to our tailor-made company Sowepo, explain our social mission and tell the story behind Houblonesse
– Our guide takes you on a guided tour through the production workshops of Sowepo
– Then “Café Houblonesse” opens its doors! We provide you with Houblonesse coffee and your own snacks
– Everything you tasted, you can buy afterwards in our pop-up shop.
(Bring cash or pay by Payconiq)

Does that sound like music to your ears? Then read on quickly:


Timing: 2 hours Timing: 2 hours Price:
Fix of € 40 / group (min 12 – max 30 people*)
+ €15 / per person for Café Houblonesse
– You receive a voucher of € 5 to buy products in our pop-up shop afterwards.

(*Would you like to plan a company visit for more than 30 people? Then other prices apply. Please contact us for more info)

Request your company visit:
By mail, or phone: 057 30 99 73

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𝐄𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫! 🌴

webshop gesloten van 20/07 tot 12/08

Van 20 juli tot 11 augustus genieten al onze medewerkers van een welverdiende zomercongé, olé olé! 🏖

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Welkom bij Houblonesse

Deze site bevat enkele alcoholische producten. U moet 18 jaar of ouder zijn om alcohol aan te kopen in België.
